One of my biggest pet peeves is when I'm walking down the sidewalk and a group of people heading in the opposite direction ignores that I'm there and nearly forces me into the street, or onto someone's lawn, etc.
I really don't feel that I should have to yell out "excuse me," or end up pushing someone out of the way. Common sense (if it still exists) should tell a person that the sidewalk space is limited and to pay attention to people headed in their direction, making room if necessary.
Enough of my soapbox talk, I've encountered this sidewalk problem a lot recently and felt like venting. Please feel free to write in with any suggestions, disagreements, or your own stories regarding this situation. Thanks to L.R. for encouraging me to turn my gripes into a cartoon.
Eh, people are rude, I have given up on the species. Sometimes it seems as though they go out of their way to be jackasses, as if being the rudest person alive is something to strive for... but that could just be me being intolerant.
The world would indeed be a better place if everyone would just show a little basic courtesy, some small measure of civility toward one another, but I'm not holding my breath.
My favorite is a group of people talking in a doorway. How exactly am I supposed to get through without pushing them or speaking up?
Two words, kids:
Red Rover!
Not just the siewalks, the mall too.
Thanks everyone! It's good to know I've still got some die-hard fans.
Next time just stick your foot out and trip the person walking closest to you. They will all fall like dominoes...
you should do a psa on how to enter/exit an elevator. LET THE PEOPLE OFF FIRST, FOOLS!
I've been seeing a lot of this lately, too. What, am I invisible? If I can stop my automatic impulse to get out of the way, I'm trying to stand my ground walking to the right, stopping if necessary to force the crowd to give me space. Since I'm invisible, my incredulous stare goes unnoticed.
Hey, welcome back, Thanks for making people smile.... My pet peeve is the lunchroom sink hogs. They'll conduct a very important (and sometimes private) conversation right in front of the sink and dontcha know they're business is so much more important than my dirty fork. Maybe I should poke someone with it sometime....
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