Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The idea for this cartoon came about while I was talking with a co-worker who happens to work at another branch in a busy neighborhood. He was describing the high volume of patron traffic in comparison to the small sized building that the library is housed in and how it sometimes felt like he was working at a fast food restaurant.


Anonymous said...

I know how that is. Last week I spent 15 minutes doing nothing but standing at the drive-thru window because apparently nobody wanted to come inside to pick up their materials

Anonymous said...

Would that small-but-bustling branch be Belmont, by any chance? It has always been insane when I've been there.

Moggy said...

I like your cartoons. I use the paint program too and like how simple it is.

bad kitty said...

That's funny, a dawn rae, I thought for sure it must be Belmont, too! (that's my former neighborhood branch and I miss it so!)