Sunday, January 27, 2008

Today's cartoon is to highlight one of our job hazards at the library. Thankfully this hasn't happened to me yet (knock on wood), but I've had a couple of close calls. Mainly through my own fault...trying to shelve a book up above that's slightly out of reach and a row of precariously placed novels come cascading down, narrowly missing any unprotected body parts.


ADR said...

*haha* It's never happened to you because you're tall... and you've probably never worked at the sorting center. It happened to me several times when I was working there, a hazard of that particular job, I guess. All in good fun, though.

Well, dear boy, here's hoping it never does happen, your skull remains unscathed and your toes unbroken.

squirrelyTONKS said...

yowch... painful... we used have all our medical dictionaries on the top shelf... once, one of them decided to fall off and hit me in the eye...