Saturday, December 02, 2006

Patrons without library cards that want to use the internet are given a temporary visitor pass. We get quite a few regulars...


Sewicked said...

Gee, I wonder if there's any connection between the FBI following him & his MySpace account? What activities has he been posting?

Jess said...

I love your blog. As a librarian, I see these situations all the time.

Anplica said...

I agree with Jess. Great blog and fun cartoons! Thanks for sharing this snapshots of your day in a public library - I forget what they're all about sitting in my tiny acadamic library. >grin<

The Mushroom said...

Particularly funny when about once every week or two you see some news item about how some crime (theft and fencing the goods, violent acts, etc.) gets solved by the perpetrator talking openly about it on MySpace. Thanks for the confession, dumbass...

kittykat said...

The library I work, we get that guy all the time. He's a regular. He comes in, we hand him the card.